“Deep End,” created by UK producer Frosty Beats, is an introspective banger about redemption and turning from a harmful lifestyle of theft and fraud to trying to live for God and living a life of purpose.
“Rap shouldn’t be meaningless and repetitive, but neither should it be full of meaning and also not enjoyable, there has to be a balance between having a ‘banger’ while underlying meaning.” - Divita.
Divita named the EP “Introspection” because of the importance of ‘Introspection’ and the ability to deeply evaluate yourself. “Growing up, especially with my faith as a Christian, has propelled me to go into the deep evaluation of my identity and the purpose I live for,” says Divita. “That’s why naming the EP I wanted it to revolve around deep thought, purpose, and motivations.”
Watch “Deep End” and stream/download the “Introspection” EP here: https://divita.fanlink.to/Introspection
Follow DIVITA on Instagram @DSpiritd