Bagz Bogotti releases latest album 'Jackie Baby'

Bagz Bogotti - 'Jackie Baby'After giving the world some banger singles, Bagz Bogotti returns with his latest Jackie Baby album. The artist has unleashed a scorching album that has the potential to become an unshakable and undeniable anthem. Named after his mother, the singer/ songwriter wants to pay tribute to the woman that has given him everything and made him the man he has become today. 

The album portrays themes of strength, perseverance, resilience, and finding your path when the world tries to put you down with hatred and animosity. Bagz Bogotti’s entire album is based on his experiences and the turmoil he faced in his life. The album unites influential voices of JPad the Juggernaut, Mizzhitzbeatz, Kapacho.madeit, and Svgarbeatz for an album that will move the audiences in their seats. 

The album will portray the artist’s authentic self and remind us of songs punctuated with modern sounds and riveting instrumentation. Everything the artist has done until now has been for his mother, and this album is an homage to the rock she has been in Bogotti’s life. If you have heard of some of his singles previously, you would understand why we have stated that this is the artist’s best work until now.

Bagz Bogotti

More about Bagz Bogotti

Bagz Bogotti grew up in Ohio with his two siblings and mother, and things did not come easy to him. His family had to scramble for the little pleasures of life, but his mother ensured the artist had every luxury at his disposal and became the man he has turned out to be today.

After his girlfriend passed away in 2013, it dawned upon the singer that it was time to grow up. Around this time, he started exploring his artistic persona and ended up creating inspiring music.  After crafting an album that narrates his life’s stories unabashedly, Bagz Bogotti will continue exploring his talents through music and making the world crave his music more. Most of Bogotti’s songs are inspired by his life events which reiterate how authentic his creative writing process is and how hard he tries to synergize his personality with his music.

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