Best Ways How to Rank On Google As An Artist

If you have never heard about this term, don't worry. I will tell you what SEO is? And why should you use SEO as an artist?. First, you have to follow my simple ten steps. Then, you will master SEO and take advantage of this great content boosting technique to grow your articles' other people influence.

All of this can be achieved by being passionate about it. What if you don't have money to buy ads to buy fake followers to promote your art correctly? That is a question that comes to mind, so let me tell you that you don't need to have sufficient money to rank on Google to optimize your content. The thing is, you only need to have time

You need to pay a couple of hours to learn SEO every week; then, you will establish your brand in SEO after a year. After that, you will become an artist having a hundred visitors on your website every day, and you will be able to get excellent results—ten easy ways to boost SEO in your content. Continue reading to have an idea of SEO. So without waiting, let's get straight into it.

Now let me tell you what exactly SEO is? You might have heard a lot about it, but you are not indeed using it. (SEO) stands for Search Engine Optimization; it means you should optimize your content so that the Search engine can find it, can push it, and boast it to the top results.

Google provides the most recommended content list throughout the thousands of the content to the users when searching for something. In addition, Google uses different techniques to enlist highly optimized content.

Here are the ten steps you need to learn to learn SEO efficiently.

Build a website:

You publish your content. A Portfolio is a platform to express your thoughts, experiences, and ideas through your content. Having social media is not enough. Why? Maybe the scope for what a user is looking for, perhaps, not on social media.

Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

It needs to be searchable. A search engine provides you an opportunity to search for anything you want to have. For example, social media often offer photos and videos, but Google optimizes the text. That's why a website is required.

You can build a website quickly. Just buy a domain name to build a website. Whatever type of website feels comfortable.

To create a website, you can use WIX, SQUARESPACE, etc. there are many ways to build a website, but the method I recommend is WordPress because it is the most popular platform to build a website. Most people are using it.

I use WordPress because it makes my life easier. I don't have to program things like ten years ago. You must know coding to build a website, but today, you can quickly make it with no IT background. A person with Arts subjects can also create a website because it is much easier to use WordPress.

Plan LSI keywords:

You need to know what kind of things you are going to do. So what do these LSI words mean? The topics and ideas that define your content are called keywords. These are the words and which searchers thoughts to Google or the other Search engines.

Your keywords are important because they work as links between what people are searching for and what you provide to them. You are willing to generate traffic to your website from search engines, so the keywords you choose will decide what kind of traffic you will get. So we should follow some basic keyword rules.

Unique keywords are necessary to get optimized content. You can search keywords through ZapMeta, Wiki News, and many more ways to search.

Add your keywords to tags title and image labels:

After adding keywords to your article, add these tags to the title tags; this will help Google file your web page online. Google also checks your image alt tags; however, it does not look for the images you added; change the image title to become relatable to search.

Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

Images in articles encourage other people to read, and good quality images can also raise your message and get your ranking to an upper level.

But one thing you have to do is give your photos good alt attributes: it strengthens your statement that you are conveying to your readers to get ranked.

It would help if you always used this fantastic thing in your articles to use dashes between your alt tag keywords.

Monitor Technical SEO issues:

The Technical SEO issue is minor, but it can hurt our site. So they are worth paying attention to also. It can be frustrating. It can make you feel uncomfortable, so it should not be ignored to keep your site working.

These things should be kept in mind. First, it would help double-check that your website is fully optimized for mobile phones; it's not an issue for you. Because millions of people majorly use mobile phones to search, it is necessary to have a mobile phone-optimized website. If your site doesn't allow searching these millions of cell phone users, how can you generate a fair amount of traffic on your site? So it is necessary to fix this problem. It also suggested that your website loads quickly because it is essential for keeping searchers on your site.

Connect your content to search intent:

"Search Intent" what the searchers are looking for is the new session word in the SEO world. Google can now understand if your site fits for a specific keyword searcher is in search. In simple terms, how Google takes notice of how people interact with your website.

Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

It would help if you researched what people are looking for and then made that content to get more traffic on your site. One should always keep an eye on the burning things required these days and should utilize his focus on these things.

The ranking of your site can improve if people are getting what they are looking to have. However, if they do not get the exact thing, Google will drop your website a few. So make sure you are providing the same thing to the searchers.

People are looking for content having brief information in a small number of words; So Google optimizes the range, which is quick and conversational for the searchers.

Create high-quality content:

After planning keywords, the next step is to start writing for your website, get your hands dirty, and build the website by writing articles on it. When we talk about the content, the first thing you should think about is your art. Content should include your art.

Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

Use whatever language you are comfortable to reach, such as writing in your mother language in your country; however, English should be preferred as an international language. In addition, it would help if you wrote many blogs on your website so that Google can easily optimize the related searches and enlist your content on the first page.

You should write at least 1000 to 2000 words per article and write every month, and you can blog, make photos and videos of those creations, and market them. It can help you, but the main thing is the text you are writing.

Reduce your bonus rate:

The bonus rate should be improved. Why?

Google doesn't like that people create a site and bounce back to the search. But, it happens, so because of beginners' low content, searchers don't get happy, and Google doesn't like to lose its raking, so it is essential to provide quality content. If you give your searchers the content they need, why would they bounce you?

Well, I suggest you look at your "Above the Fold" section on your site. . What they see here will decide whether they bounce or not.

Update your website:

The more you write about yourself, the more exciting things you can add to your previous creations. Check the keywords strategy you adopted previously and find if any mistakes you made and correct them.

Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

It will help you a lot to strengthen your ideas and also enhances your writing skills. But, of course, you write this article wonderfully. Still, we are humans, and we make mistakes, but that's completely ok. So go back and check if you find any added, exciting research and stats, and then mention them.

It will help you make your content more optimized and easily researchable. You have to make it in a natural, engaging, and readable way to quickly form a child to an aged person so that you would love to subscribe to your website and follow your writings.

Make sure you manage enough time to write new blogs and articles and update the previous ones. For example, on the first day of the new month, you can publish new content.

On the 15th, you will go back to update an old article this way; Google can see this artist is so committed he is putting out new content every month, and he is editing the old content, and you will be more likely to push on the top on the Google searches.

Connect your social media to your website:

You might say, wait, so say the social media is not excellent, and now you are saying connect it to your website? 

I am not declaring that social media is not helpful, but it is helpful for a website. For example, you put your posts, photos, and videos to take those things you are placing on Facebook, Instagram, etc., and impact the text you are writing for on your website. 
Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

In this way, if you ever lost your account or decided to close your account, At least you are not losing your content, and then you have paid before not going to waste.

You can also market your content through social media. For example, you can add links to your blogs. Generating traffic is beneficial. Social media can help you generate enough revenue if you are selling something.

Be consistent and patient:

As everything on the internet is fast-growing, you might think SEO also well this case is different. It can take a few months to develop your authentic and trustworthy links. It is definitely tough to have, but the reward you will win in SEO is long-lasting, and you surely want to have it. 
Top 10 ways how to rank on Google as an artist

Every field requires consistency, so you have to commit it that you are going to learn SEO.

Patience is another factor that you need to have a person who impatiently can never be successful in any life field, so the other factor you should have is Patience.

Patience doesn't mean waiting for something. It means using the right attitude while waiting for something.

One minute of Patience, ten years of peace. With love, Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep the right attitude while waiting." "One minute of patience, ten years of peace." "With love and Patience, nothing is impossible.


Now you have learned the ten ways how to rank on Google as an artist. You need to go back to your article, check keywords, and add your keyword to tags. Monitor the technical SEO issues and use social media for marketing your site on different social media platforms. Reduce your bonus rates, make high-quality content, and connect your content to the search intent. Keep updating your blog page. Add new works to your portfolio. 

These small actions will add up things over time. So stay motivated and keep trying these things provided. It is a great technique to boost your content; make sure you put in enough time and start experimenting with things. 

Are these things helpful to you? Make sure to leave a comment below. I also drop an excellent video to watch.

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